
SonicxStarWars DL Chapter 4

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Chapter 04: The Invasion of Echidnaopolis

Constable Remington, the leader of the Echidna Security Team in the city of Echidnaopolis, was sitting in his office when his communicator rang: "Constable Remington, sorry to disturb you sir."

"Yes, what is it?" asked Remington.

"Sir, we have received a report from our western perimeter. They have requested you go personally." said the voice.

"On my way." said Remington grabbing his hat and holstering his blaster pistol. He then boarded a speeder for the western perimeter defense outpost where several EST Officers were standing in awe. "What in the name of Aurora is going on here?"

"See for yourself sir." said an EST Officer handing him binoculars.

Remington then felt the same feeling that the rest of the EST Officers were feeling, as he was awestruck by the sight of massive walking vehicles on the horizon. Amongst them were Dark Legion tanks and other units. "The Dark Legion?" said Remington. "They have a huge army with them!"

"I don't believe it either Constable. But I have a strange feeling that something isn't what it seems." said the EST Officer.

"Okay, I'm going to return to EST HQ. In the meantime, set up a perimeter and keep me informed on the Legion's progress." said Remington.

"Will do sir." said the EST Officer as he and the others got work setting up their defenses while Remington raced back to the EST HQ and back into his office.

Remington then input a code into his communicator and activated a viewscreen nearby, and an older Echidna with a goatee appeared on the screen. "Guardian Locke?"

"Constable Remington. What is it?" said Locke.

"I need some information and fast." said Remington sternly. "I've just been informed that we have an unusual situation out here."

"Of what kind?" asked Locke.

"We have a large army on our western perimeter and closing fast on our position. From what we can tell, it looks like the Dark Legion." said Remington.

"So? What troubles you, Constable?" asked Locke.

"The Legion has some unusual weapons at their disposal. Walkers of some sort, nothing we've ever seen before. But whatever they are, I have a strange feeling about this." said Remington gravely.

Locke was silent for a moment, but then replied: "This is unusual indeed, Remington. Even I don't know exactly what you are dealing with, but we do know that who or what they are appear to be not of this world."

Remington was skeptical and replied: "Locke, with all due respect, are we talking of Aliens here?"

"I'm afraid so. If they are, then it appears they are helping the Legion. We've been monitoring odd activity in the Desert Zone, and it seems they attacked sooner than I expected." said Locke. "Listen Constable, you must be prepared for the worst. These aliens technology far surpasses anything Echidna society has ever encountered or dealt with. If you've come to me for advice, It would be to get as many people away from here as quickly and efficiently as possible. Even if you seek the help of my son Knuckles, it may not be enough to hold onto this city."

Remington sighed but said: "Very well. I'll do what I can. But if you're right, Locke, then it will be the worst disaster ever to hit Echidna society."

"Be careful, Constable." said Locke as the transmission concluded.

Remington rubbed his face and head in some degree of shock, but then turned and pushed a button on his communicator and spoke: "Central Control, this is Constable Remington."

"Go ahead, Constable." said the Central Controller over the communicator.

"Patch me through to all units. This is an Emergency." said Remington.

"Stand by sir." said the Controller. "You're on Constable."

Remington then turned to his microphone and sent a signal over the EST's Emergency Communication System: "Attention all units. This is Constable Remington. We have a Code Red Emergency Situation. The Dark Legion has launched a surprise attack against us. But they are not alone. It has been discovered that an unidentified group of Aliens has joined forces with them. I believe that if the Aliens are as powerful as I believe they are, then this whole city is at risk. So listen well. I want all combat units to report to the western perimeter and prepare for combat. All support units are to begin citywide evacuation protocols. Get all civilians and other essentials aboard the evacuation shuttles and get as far away from the island as you can. I wish you all best of luck. That is all." Remington then ended his transmission and then turned back to his communicator. "Teri-La. Inform the Guardian to meet me by the western perimeter." said Remington.

A few minutes later, Remington had suited up in his combat armor and grabbed a rifle from a EST Transport, as did every EST Officer that had massed by the western perimeter, ready for battle. Soon, a speeder carrying Knuckles the Echidna, Julie-Su the Echidna, and the Chaotix had arrived on scene, and Knuckles said: "You rang, Constable?"

"Thanks for coming, Guardian." said Remington shaking hands with Knuckles. "I only wish the circumstances were better."

"I hope that we can help with the Legion and these….aliens." said Knuckles.

"We've got every last combat-capable man here, Guardian. But even I know when to be weary of the worst. Our job is not to try and win. We simply have to hold off the attackers until we can get every civilian to safety." said Remington. "We have to do the best we can. If my instincts are right, then we cannot win this fight."

"As Guardian of this Island, I'll do everything I can to help defend our home. With my life if I have to." said Knuckles.

"Good boy." said Remington. "Now…."

"INCOMING!!!" shouted an EST Officer to the sight of four aircraft, each with two tube-like bodies connected to a pair of wings, and they were screaming loudly as they begun dropping bombs on their position. Everyone scattered to avoid the blasts, which rattled the area.

"Everyone all right?!!" shouted Remington, who learned that a few were injured in the blasts, but otherwise everyone was still okay. "They're closing in, ladies and gentlemen!! Get ready!!"

Knuckles grabbed a large laser chain gun from the weapons stockpile, and took position next to Julie-Su, aiming her twin-barreled proton pistol at the oncoming attackers. They waited while the Dark Legion and Alien Forces closed in on their position, until the walkers could be seen better, and they were as tall as houses and buildings, and they did look rather imposing. But no sooner had they become clearly visible, the four-legged walkers opened fire on the defensive position, and the battle had begun. The EST Officers had begun exchanging weapons fire with the Dark Legionnaires and the Alien Soldiers, and for a while, the EST had managed to hold the line against the initial attackers, but the luck would run out rather quickly, since the despite the ease at which the EST Officers and turrets held out against the Dark Legion units would not be the same against the Alien Walkers who joined the fray immediately. The tall two-legged walkers were the major threat, as they quickly reinforced the Dark Legion Tanks and begun making a push through the outer EST Defensive position. But then, an ominous voice appeared over an intercom: "Attention all enemies!! In the name of the Galactic Empire, you will surrender at once!! You are outmatched!! If you surrender, we will show you mercy, rather than a painful and meaningless death!!"

"So, these guys call themselves the "Galactic Empire"." said Julie-Su.

"Doesn't matter what they call themselves!! We still have to stop them somehow, man!!" said Vector the Crocodile.

"Rear line, fall back!!" said Remington. "Front line, cover us!!"

Imperial POV: The Imperial Army had pretty much engaged the city defenders by now, as Scourge and Fiona watched from atop an AT-AT as the Imperial forces and Dark Legionnaires battled the city defenders. "Hmph!" said Scourge. "Look at that pathetic defense these guys have assembled!! This'll be over before lunchtime!!"

"You can say that again, hon." said Fiona. "Why aren't you helping them out?"

"There'll be plenty left for us later." said Scourge. "For now, we sit back and enjoy the show."

Imperial Artillery batteries had taken positions on the ridge overlooking the city, and begun a massive artillery barrage, while TIE Fighters and TIE Bombers strafed the city streets and begun attacking any fleeing Echidnas. But then, Fiona's communicator beeped and she said: "C'mon Scourge, it's time."

Scourge then grabbed Fiona and jumped down to the ground below and ran to the rear of the Imperial force, where a shuttle was landing. As soon as the boarding ramp opened, out came Darth Vader. "Lord Vader." said Scourge.

"I have informed the Emperor of Dimitri's presence. Once Dimitri reveals himself to us, we will have a little surprise waiting for him." said Vader. "Now. Join the attack. I will be joining you shortly."

"As you wish, Lord Vader." said Scourge as he and Fiona raced off to join the Imperial attack forces.

Echidna POV: Knuckles, Remington, Julie-Su, the Chaotix, and some of Remington's team had retreated deeper into the city, as Imperial loaders begun dropping containers filled with troops and walkers. "The Western Perimeter has been breached! Repeat: The Western Perimeter has been breached!!" said an EST Officer over the communicator.

"You hear that?" said Mighty the Armadillo. "That don't sound good!!"

"You can say that again!!" said Espio the Chameleon. "At this rate, we'll be overrun!!"

"We have to keep fighting!!" said Knuckles. "We gotta buy everyone enough time!!"

"Somebody give me an update on those transports!!" shouted Remington into his communicator.

"We've managed to get critical personnel to safety, Constable!!" said an EST Officer over the communicator. "But we're still trying to get as many civilians to safety as we can, but those fighters are making it hard!! We're losing transports to them or missile fire!!"

"Keep holding them back!! I'll be there as soon as I can!!" said Remington.

But suddenly, the shooting abruptly stopped. "Hey, my blaster doesn't work!!" said an EST Officer.

"Mine neither!!" said another.

Imperial POV: Darth Vader approached General Delko's command post, and said: "General?"

"Lord Vader!! What a surprise and coincidence!! We're having problems sir! All units report malfunctioning weapons systems!!" said General Delko.

"As I expected." said Vader. "Tell our forces to hold their positions and stand by."

"Of course, Lord Vader. What is going to happen?" asked Delko.

Delko's answer came when an echidna in Gold Armor floated towards the center of the battle and said: "MERE MORTALS!!! I AM THE GREAT DIMITRI!! I HAVE COME TO RECLAIM WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY MINE AFTER SO MANY YEARS!!! I HAVE TAKEN CONTROL OF EVERYTHING TECHNOLOGICAL AND RENDERED IT USELESS!!! YOU WILL ALL BOW BEFORE ME!!!! IF YOU CONTINUE TO RESIST…." But suddenly, Dimitri was struck on his right side by Scourge performing a Homing Attack on him, knocking him onto the roof of a nearby building. Dimitri got back onto his feet upon a quick recovery, but saw a large group of people in Red Armor and Cloaks, and in the center, was a old man in a dark cloak. "What is this?! If I need minions…"

"I am no minion." said the man. "I am Palpatine. The Great Emperor of the Galactic Empire. I have foreseen your arrival, my powerful friend. Why did you try and hide from me?"

"You dare challenge me, old man?!! I am the all-powerful Enerjak!! My power is immeasurable!! Be gone!!" Dimitri then swung his staff at the Emperor, but the Emperor simply raised his hand, and any effect the attack might have had was nullified.

"You think that your power is anything compared to what I have? The amount of power you have is insignificant compared to my own!" said the Emperor calmly. "And now you shall pay the penalty."

The Emperor raised his hands and strange red beams of energy begun emitting from them and Dimitri didn't know what to think: "Wha-what's happening?!"

"You thought you could deceive us, Dimitri. You were wrong. There is always someone far stronger than you will ever be!!" The Emperor was using his Force Powers to drain Dimitri of his power, as well as cut off his connection to it. Dimitri quickly fell to his knees as his power disappeared, and his body quickly aged to where it should be, and he fell over, barely alive once the Emperor was finished with him.

But of course, no one else saw this deed take place, as the Emperor weakened and took away Dimitri's powers, the effects begun to wear off, and the fighting resumed as quickly as it had ended. No one gave much thought to what happened, as nobody could see the events unfold atop of the building. Darth Vader watched the battle resume when a transmission came through to him, and he said: "Is it done?"

"Yes. Lord Vader. No one must know of my hand in this. I will take care of Dimitri. You make certain that any resistance or that anyone else with powers like this can threaten us. I am sensing great power emanating from this place…." said the Emperor over Vader's comlink.

"As you wish, my master." said Vader.

Echidna POV: "Can we get a hovership to check out that tower?!" asked Remington over the communicator.

"Stand By, Constable." said a pilot. Within minutes, a shuttle carrier hovered over the building to where Dimitri was. "We have no visual of anything sir. The building is clear." said the pilot.

"Very well, pilot. Continue." said Remington as took shots at Stormtroopers and Dark Legionnaires.

Meanwhile, deep inside the secret place called "Haven", Locke watched the carnage taking place in his command center, and was most disturbed. "This isn't looking good at all, father!!"

"I'm afraid so, my son." said Sabre, Locke's father. "But it seems our assumption was correct. These…Imperials are more dangerous than we realized."

"Worse still, my son may have to flee the battle with his friends. He is willing to abandon us…."

"Locke, please." said Sabre. "Knuckles is doing what he must to survive. I know something terrible has happened to Dimitri, and I fear that if he stays, he'll be captured. Don't worry, my son. He has powerful friends who will give their lives for him."

"You say it like I should just stand by and let our people be condemned!!" said Locke.

"No, Locke. Do not intervene." said Sabre sternly. "We are meeting with the Brotherhood soon. Don't risk your own life on a hopeless battle."

Locke just growled a bit as he watched the Imperial forces gain the upper hand.

As the battle raged on in the city streets, Remington received a transmission from a pilot: "Constable, we're coming to extract you sir! Stand by!!"

"Okay!!" said Remington. "Guardian! I have a transport en route to get us out of here!!"

"We're leaving?!" said Knuckles taking more shots at Dark Legionnaires and Stormtroopers. "What about Echidnaopolis? The Island? We can't just leave it behind!!"

"I hate it too, Guardian!! But we can't win now!! WE ARE LEAVING!!" said Remington as he led Knuckles and the Chaotix towards the transport ship that landed nearby.

As soon as they were all aboard, Remington gave the order to leave. All that Knuckles and the Chaotix could do was watch as the Imperial and Dark Legion forces secure most of the city and level several buildings to the ground and take many prisoners. "Oh no…." said Ray the Flying Squirrel. "Th-th-they're done for!!"

"At least we're still alright!" said Charmy Bee.

"Yep." said Vector. "Only luck has kept us going this far."

"Pray it…" but before Julie-Su could finish her sentence, the transport was hit by a missile, causing it to spin out of control.

"Hold on!!" said the pilot as he struggled to regain control. The transport spun and spun for several moments and the next thing Knuckles knew was….a blackout.
Sonic Meets Star Wars: Side Story 01: Dark Legion: Chapter 04: The Invasion of Echinaopolis

Knuckles the Echidna and his allies in the city of Echidnaopolis must endure a Dark Legion and Imperial Invasion. They will lose their most prized city, but at what cost? What plan does Darth Vader have for Dimitri/Enerjak?

Based on Knuckles the Echidna Comic Issue #9.
© 2010 - 2024 JerichoRaccoon941
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